Principal’s Message

Mr N.E. Mchunu
Principal – Thekwini TVET College

Thekwini TVET College, as a public technical and vocational education and training organisation, strives to fulfil its skills development mandate through high quality teaching and learning and effective corporate governance.  We are guided by our vision, mission and values which enable us to achieve our operational targets which are aligned to the strategic goals of DHET.

Thekwini TVET College submits its 5 year strategic plan to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology for approval as per the requirements of Section 10(2)(a) of the Continuing Education and Training Act, No 16 of 2006 as amended.  The development of the strategic plan was informed by the National Development Plan (NDP) and its implementation plan as well as the Post-School Education and Training (PSET) Plan and all other relevant legal prescripts.  

The development of the strategic plan takes into cognisance the dawn of the 4th industrial revolution and the vision of the 6th democratically elected government to serve the people of South Africa.

Thekwini TVET College endeavours to support the achievement of strategic outcomes and national targets as outlined in the Department’s strategic documents, including these two sub-outcomes, namely: Sub-Outcome 2: Increased access and success in programmes leading to intermediate and high level learning; and Sub-Outcome 4: Increased access to occupationally directed programmes in needed areas and expansion of the availability of intermediate level skills with a special focus on artisan skills and entrepreneurship.

The college’s priorities are :

1.      Growth and expansion of relevant and priority programme opportunities for the youth;

2.      Growth and expansion of artisan development opportunities;

3.      Improvement of academic quality and success, i.e. improving certification, throughput and retention rates;

4.     Establishing relevant and viable partnerships and linkages with industry, sector education and training authorities (SETAs) and/or other professional bodies and/or institutions of Higher Education;

5.     Improving support system efficiency and functionality;

6.     Demonstrating sound institutional governance, management and leadership;

7.     Inculcating a culture of monitoring and evaluation of college performance;

8.      Improving information management and data reporting systems and processes;

9.      Mitigate the impact of the the COVID 19 pandemic; and

10.  Develop the remote/online mode of teaching and learning

Thekwini TVET College is situated within the urban or metroplitan Municipality of Ethekwini which is in Durban. 

Durban is the central economic port of KwaZulu-Natal with road, water and air economies. As one of the nine Public 

TVET Colleges in KwaZulu-Natal, Thekwini TVET College is as a result of merger of three former technical colleges. 

This College is made up of six campuses that are located within a ten kilometre radius from its Central Administration Office 



College Strategic Plan

Download College Strategic Plan